Beware of Scholarship Scams about Online Law Degrees.
Don't get carried away by reading tall claims on a website about scholarship for an online law degree. Get enough information about the online law degree scholarship before taking the plunge. Students and parents are advised to review and reconsider the claims made on the websites.
Lets have a look at typical claims these sites can make:
Scam 1 - Money Back Guarantee for an Online Law Degree
Who can guarantee a scholarship? Know for a fact that they just want your credit card details. Never reveal your credit card information to such crooks. They say 'This scholarship will cost you some money'. Raise your eyebrows and ask 'Why'?
Scam 2 – Privileged Information about an Online Law Degree Scholarship
Crooks will claim - 'You can't get this information elsewhere.' That is not true. Thanks to online libraries and career service centers you can get plenty of information about an online law degree scholarship.
Scam 3 – Instant Online Law Degree Scholarship
'We will do all the work' they claim - why should they do this favor for you so that you can get an online law degree? 'Get your online law degree in weeks' – why would the rest of us spend years for an online law degree if we could all instantly get a valid online law degree in weeks?
Scam 4 - Finalist for an Online Law Degree Scholarship
Often you will get a flash message on your browser 'You are a finalist' or 'You have been selected for an online law degree scholarship.' That's news! If you didn't participate in a contest, how come you are a finalist for an online law degree scholarship? Sounds interesting, doesn't it?
Research an Online Law Degree Scholarship
Don't feel on top of the world when you are offered a scholarship for an online law degree. Do some basic research to assess the authenticity of the foundation or program which 'guarantees' a scholarship for an online law degree.
FinAid recommends that students be cautious of the financial aid seminars that guarantee success and eventually take you for a ride.
It pays to keep your eyes wide open before taking the plunge for an online law degree. Don't become a statistic by being defrauded by a scholarship scam in pursuit of an online law degree.
Dassana Jayalath is the author of WebSuperTips newsletter. For complete turn-key internet home business, visit http://www.OnlineSuccessKit.com , start making money immediately.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dassana_Jayalath
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